
2019年4月4日—“Thesetwogentlemenarelegendsofrockn'roll,”LambertsaidonstageMondaynightwhileintroducingQueen'sfoundingmembers,drummerRoger ...,MuseareanEnglishrockbandfromTeignmouth,Devon,formedin1994.ThebandconsistsofMattBellamy(leadvocals,guitar,keyboards),ChrisWolstenholme ...,,2016年12月28日—therockbandqueenperformingonstagewiththeirguitarsanddrumsinfrontofthem.1f.QueenonStage.The80s.–481phot...

In Adam Lambert, Queen Finds its Muse

2019年4月4日 — “These two gentlemen are legends of rock n' roll,” Lambert said on stage Monday night while introducing Queen's founding members, drummer Roger ...

Muse (band)

Muse are an English rock band from Teignmouth, Devon, formed in 1994. The band consists of Matt Bellamy (lead vocals, guitar, keyboards), Chris Wolstenholme ...

Queen on stage.

2016年12月28日 — the rock band queen performing on stage with their guitars and drums in front of them. 1f. Queen on Stage. The 80s. – 481 photos ...

People that have fallen off or out of love with Muse. Why?

2024年1月18日 — ... stage Muse. Which is depressing as I am well aware how insanely talented Matt is (he was my supreme idol for around a decade). The band need ...